My Fitness Story

One day I got fed up with myself and decided I wasn’t going to keep letting my negative thoughts and self double hold me back. I got a gym membership and started lifting at the Titusville YMCA. It took me a bit to learn everything, each exercise and it’s purpose, however my gym time began to be my highlight of the day. I stuck with it and have never quit since then.
I’ve seen my body change from overweight with no muscle tone, to lean muscles and a toned physique. I’m so proud of my progress and it’s truly been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I’m thankful for Instagram to be able to share my lifestyle, and to help motivate and inspire others.
A tip for new beginners would be, I remember being extremely nervous in the beginning, being in the weight room and feeling confident in what I was doing. I started by getting up at 4am to go lift when the gym was still dead with not a lot of people around. This helped me gain confidence and now I feel at home and comfortable training at any time of the day.